This is one question that seems to crop up from time to time. People who are playing Minecraft on Xbox and Windows do not seem to have this problem. Mainly because Xbox is integrated into the operating system.

However, those on Nintendo, and PlayStation have to link their accounts to their Microsoft Account. This guide will walk you though how to link those accounts together.

Your Microsoft Account

For this to work, you will have to create a Microsoft Account. If you already have a Microsoft Account, please skip this step. 

To sign up for a free Microsoft account, please follow this link here to create an account: 

You will need to follow the onscreen instructions to create an account. Once you have done this, please move onto the next step. 

Linking your Microsoft Account to your Gamertag

Now you have created a Microsoft Account, you are going to have to link your Microsoft Account to your Gamertag. In order to do this, Microsoft provides a code that you will have to enter when you go to the page that connects your accounts together.

Note: This is not needed when you are on Minecraft on Xbox One or on Windows 10.

If you load up Minecraft on your games console, then select sign in (Or try and access multiplayer). You will be asked to link your Microsoft Account to your Gamertag. The message will look like this:

Figure 1: The sign in window that is asking you to connect your Microsoft Account to your Gamertag. Image provided by Armorguy06 on his thread

In a web browser, either on another device (Such as a phone, or PC/Tablet) go to and sign into your Microsoft account. Then on the same device, in the same browser, go to this web address: 

You will be presented with a page that looks like this: 

Figure 2: Microsoft remote connect page asking for the code provided on figure 1

You will need to enter the code it provides you at the bottom of the sign in page (in figure 1), into this box, then click next. 

Once you click next, it will ask you if you are sure you wish to connect the accounts together. It will provide you the permissions Microsoft has when it comes to accessing personal information from your Gamertag on other services. If you are happy for this, then click yes. 

You should see your screen refresh on Minecraft and will be able to access online multiplayer. 

Removing an app/service from your account

To remove an App or service which is connected/linked to your Microsoft Account, please read this article here:

Managing apps and services connected to our Microsoft Accounts

This article is also published on the Microsoft Community forum here: